Being a website owner
This article details the initial steps in the construction of develops website, before the owners approach to the appropriate professionals.
By finding the best starting point for you and your needs.
First you should understand the differences between the types of sites available.
- Static web sites:
Like the pages of a newspaper, and no permanent change or perform any action complex. After development, content will change only by the site maintains.
- Dynamic websites:
Sites that can perform a little more complex tasks, such as search, registration, content management and so on. Usually the site will contain a mechanism for managing internal management of the site.
What is the better web site?
Static or may be a dynamic website?
It depends on your needs.
No, the site should not perform complex tasks.
If the website does not have to perform complex operations such as sending mail, displaying articles or pages that the owner of the site feeds, and more.
You might consider building a static website. In this case, asking the developer to update the site content once in 6 months can provide the owner a suitable solution.
Yes the website should perform complex tasks.
If the website should perform complex operations, such as editing content, sending emails, registration, searches, blog, forum etc.
You can do so only with a dynamic web site.
Check-List for Static web site.
- We bsite requirements -
The site characterization. Such as: business promotion, a site selling products. In addition there will be definitions of which pages exsist on the website such as: about page, what is going to be appears on the home page, contact page and so on. This step will help the owners and professionals evaluate the web site.
- Preparation of text and images -
texts which will be written on every page on the web site. If there are images such as logos or photos and any other document to include at the web site.
- Do not continue without sections 1 and 2.
- HTML Webmaster -
professional writes the site's pages. (Sometimes designers can also provide the site's HTML pages)
- Site designer -
specializes in the design and graphic design for web sites. The designer should be very experienced in designing websites.
- Hosting -
Server storage - static sites can be found by very cheap prices on the web. The important thing is reliability of the hosting service. Usually developer's website store for them or you can consult your developer to recommend you with the proper hosting service.
- Domain Address - name of your choosing, such as the purchase of course free space: (do not try it all ready taken) .
- Good luck.
Check-List for dynamic site
- Web site requirements –
this is similar to the Static website as well as definitions of actions such as the complexity of the site: a list of articles, news, forum, sending mail through the site, site web search, registration and so on. There should be a management system to update the site content independently of the site pages and what are the parts that should be updated? In two words, requirements design.
- Preparation of text and images –
This is similar to the Static website. I would recommend collecting the majority of the material, the rest can be collected during the development of the website over time.
- Do not continue without sections 1 and 2.
- Developer for Dynamic websites -
professional or company writes the site. See the previous works. Check if a friendly content management system is relating to it.
- Web designer -
specializes in the design and graphic design of dynamic websites. The web designer should be very experienced in designing dynamic web sites. Sometimes a web site developer works together with designers. Companies usually employ its own designers.
- Hosting -
Dynamic website, demand their own type of technology and server such as a database technology. Ask the web site developer to advice you with the best solution for you.
- Domain Address -
name of your choosing, such as the available purchase: (do not try it all ready taken) .
- Data entry -
everything you have collected in the preparation of texts and images, should be uploaded to the website. Update the site regularly over time. From launch the website on air.
Good luck.
There are many advantages and disadvantages at any single option, the major considerations should be:
- Needs
- Budget
- Time website.
You should consider every case on your individual basis. You should be advice with the professionals like designers and developers.
Still confused?
Call Us and we will be happy to advice you.
Read more about dynamic-websites-development created by and its content-management-system.